Please Read Carefully

The Hall Management Committee thanks you for booking our venue; we hope it meets your requirements.

These booking conditions apply to anyone booking the Hall or Meeting Room (including premises associated with them) for a private function or for an event on behalf of an organisation or charity. 

Please read the conditions carefully, and if you are in any doubt as to the meaning of any of the conditions, you should contact the Booking Coordinator at the earliest convenience.

Please note that we do not employ a caretaker – and we therefore ask you to please leave the building in the same condition as you found it.

Booking Conditions & Arrangements ​

1. Your booking agreement is conditional upon you complying with the St Giles Safeguarding Policy commitments. By completing the Online Booking Form you agree to uphold our commitments to safeguarding; we cannot give you access to the premises without this.

2. Supervision. The Hirer shall, during the period of the hiring, be responsible for: supervision of the premises, the fabric and the contents; their care, safety from damage however slight or change of any sort; and the behaviour of all persons using the premises whatever their capacity, including proper supervision of car parking arrangements so as to avoid obstruction of the highway. The Hirer shall make good or pay for all damage (including accidental damage) to the premises or to the fixtures, fittings or contents and for loss of contents. 

3. Use of Premises. The Hirer shall not sub-hire or use the premises or allow the premises to be used for any unlawful or unsuitable purpose or in any unlawful way.

4. Booking Co-ordinator.  All bookings are arranged with the Booking Coordinator acting on behalf of the PCC. The Booking Coordinator may be contacted by email at

5. (a) Regular Bookings can be arranged on up to a yearly basis, provided that the Member or Leader gives a clear indication in writing of the normal days and times when the Hall is required. Any exceptions known at the time of booking, such as half-term breaks, holidays, etc., should be specified on the Booking Form.

5. (b) Occasional Bookings e.g. for parties, can be arranged through the Booking Coordinator who will check and confirm room availability.

6. Changes in the booking arrangements.  It is essential that the Booking Coordinator be informed of any cancellations in good time as someone else might be wishing to book the hall. In any case it is wasteful to heat empty rooms. If we are not notified within 48 hours of the booked period we may be obliged to make a charge for the cancelled booked period.

7. Cancellations. We reserve the right to cancel a booking should the premises be required by the PCC for official Church purposes (such as a funeral or other church activities), although every effort will be made to avoid such a situation arising. The Booking Coordinator will inform the person responsible in good time of any such changes in the booking arrangements

Legal Requirements

Your attention is drawn to legal requirements, such as those relating to Care of Children (section 6), Fire Safety (section  7) Food Hygiene Regulations (section 20) and Public Liability Insurance (section 11). St Giles Church Health and Safety Policy can be accessed here.

8. Care of Children. Hirers of the hall for events in which children and young people under 18 are involved must ensure that they will conform to St Giles PCC’s acceptance of the Church of England’s advised ratios for the supervision of children for indoor activities, providing that at least 2 adults are present:

  • 0-2 years = 1 adult:3 children
  • 2-3 years = 1 adult:4 children
  • 3-8 years = 1 adult:8 children
  • >8 = 1 adult:12 children


9. Fire Safety

  • Raise the alarm by shouting “Fire Fire” and breaking the glass on the ‘Break-Glass’ alarms
  • Evacuate the premises
  • Tackle the fire if safe to do so without taking any risks
  • Call the Fire Brigade by dialling 999

Please familiarise yourself with the Fire Action Notices and Fire Safety signs adjacent to the fire extinguishers in the building. You should:

(a) Check the positions of the fire alarms and fire extinguishers and be familiar with their use. The Fire Assembly Point is the car park and the grassy area by the benches. With this in mind, cars should not be parked in such a way as to inhibit the safe and orderly exit from the lobby and the emergency exit from the hall.

(b) Heat and smoke detectors are fitted in all areas except the church itself. If they are set off, they will only stop when the cause has been removed. There are Break-Glass alarms in the hall adjacent to the door to the lobby, the hall emergency exit door and the back door by the kitchen. These are connected to the fire bell in the hall.  The alarm systems are NOT connected to the emergency services but if the glass is broken, the bell cannot easily be stopped.

(c) Keep all passages, corridors and doors (including the emergency exit door) free from obstruction during a function;

(d) Switch on both the emergency exit signs in the hall during a function; the switches are to the right of the door into the lobby and the emergency exit door respectively.

(e) Supervise the safe and orderly evacuation of the hall in case of emergency.

(f) Ensure that the number allowed in the hall does not exceed 200 persons unless otherwise advised.

(g) For a closely-seated audience, gangways must be at least 3ft 6in (1.1m) wide.

10. First Aid. There is a first aid kit, containing accident record sheets, beside the back door.  Please make a signed record of any accident however trivial, on a sheet, leave it in the box and bring this to the attention of the Hall Booking Co-ordinator or a Churchwarden for investigation or replacement of First Aid items if necessary. You can also use our digital form to report an accident.

11. Alcohol. There is no alcohol licence in force for the premises. No alcohol may be sold as part of an event for which tickets have been sold or dispensed in any way that could legally be construed as a sale, unless a licence is obtained.

  • Organisations wishing to sell alcohol at a function are responsible for obtaining an alcohol licence for that event. The Hall Booking Coordinator and PCC must be informed in advance of the date of the function for which the licence has been granted.
  • Organisations wishing to make available a limited amount of alcohol for a specific purpose, e.g. to have a drink before or with a meal are, we understand, not required to obtain a licence if it is made clear to everyone that the alcoholic drinks are being supplied as part of the meal. A donation may be invited from recipients, but they are not under a legal obligation to make one.

12. Electrical appliance safety.
The Hirer shall ensure that any electrical appliances brought by them to the premises and used there shall be safe, in good working order, and used in a safe manner in accordance with the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989.

13. Car Parking.  Please be aware that there are some double yellow lines on Church Hill. We would advise against those with disability permits parking on them because of the risk of damage to their vehicles. St Giles PCC is not responsible to any damage to or losses from vehicles parked on our premises.


14. St Giles PCC maintains Public Liability Insurance cover for accidents and incidents occurring as a result of our own negligence. However this does NOT extend to any claims that may result from negligence on the part of any group or individuals hiring the hall or associated buildings for activities that are not under the control of the PCC. All individuals or groups hiring the hall for private parties or meetings must therefore ensure that they have adequate insurance in force for all legal liabilities which could arise, including death or personal injury to third parties (including employees and volunteers), or damage to our property or the property of others, arising out of their occupation and activities whilst at the premises.  

Your Safety and Security of the Building

15. Keys.  For an occasional booking, please make arrangements in advance with the Booking Coordinator to collect the keys and return them immediately after the function. Regular users will be issued with appropriate keys.

16. Safety.  We strongly recommended that at least one other person should be present when unlocking or locking the premises, particularly during hours of darkness.

17. Security.  We do not employ a caretaker.  You are responsible for unlocking, locking and the general security of the premises. When locking up, a check list is posted on exit doors as a reminder of what to do. Please remember to check:

  • All toilet lights are off (Ladies, Gents & Disabled)
  • All other lights are off*
  • Meeting Room heating is off. (If you have used it)
  • The back door latch is released and the upper lock is locked
  • The Emergency Exit Door in the hall is firmly closed
  • Both the emergency exit signs above the exit doors are off
  • The sound and video system is off at the wall socket in the Table Store
  • Both the door from the hall to the lobby and the front door to the lobby are locked *

The only lights that should remain on are the following which are timed to go off at about 11 pm:

  • The high level floodlight for the car park
  • The floodlight at the back of church (east end)
  • The outside wall lights along the pathway leading from the car park to the back door.

18. Emergency Lighting.
  If a power failure occurs, the battery-powered emergency lights will automatically come on. These will illuminate the exits and give enough light in all rooms for up to 3 hours, to allow the premises to be checked and left safe.

19. Emergency Contacts.  A list of names and phone numbers is posted on the notice board in the hall, next to the door from the hall to the lobby. 

Churchwarden: 07905613104
Administrator: 07826567539

General Supervision and Facilities

20. Overall Supervision. You undertake to accept responsibility for providing adequate levels of supervision and control of any event or function you hold in Church premises and/or Church grounds.  Due to the nature of the lighting in the hall, BALL GAMES ARE NOT PERMITTED. Because of the limited height in the hall, you need to check with the Booking Coordinator whether large items of equipment such as ‘bouncy castles’ can be accommodated.

21. Store Room. We have a limited space for the storage of a group’s belongings/equipment. If you have indicated to us on your booking form that you would like to make use of this, we will endeavour to allocate you a specific space and location for this purpose. We ask you to store your property in your own storage container and to respect the property and storage space allocated to others.

22. Cleanliness. Please ensure that the premises are left in a clean and orderly state, suitable for the next occupier. A vacuum cleaner, dustpans, brushes, mops and cleaning equipment are available for you to use for this purpose in the Cleaning Cupboard in the back corridor. All bins should be emptied of rubbish and replaced with a clean bin liner (available from the cleaner’s cupboard). Please wipe down and replace all tables and chairs to where you found them.

23. Kitchen.  If you intend to use the cooking facilities or the dishwasher in the kitchen, this should be stated on the booking form. As some of the kitchen facilities may be unfamiliar, please ask for advice from the Booking Coordinator who can arrange familiarisation with the equipment. Note that only pans with a magnetic base will work on the induction hobs (Plenty are available in the kitchen). Instructions for operating the equipment are in a blue folder kept in the kitchen.

You are responsible for all members of your group to abide by the relevant Food Hygiene Regulations. Some recommended procedures are in a blue folder kept in the kitchen.

The kitchen equipment and sinks are provided solely for catering purposes. In accordance with Food Hygiene Regulations, before any food preparation is undertaken, hands must be washed in the small basin in the corner under the boiler. To minimise cross contamination, the large sink on the left is to be used for washing up food utensils e.g. crockery, glass and cutlery. The smaller sink to the right is to be used for preparation of food ingredients e.g. vegetables. Mops and non-food items, such as those used for craft groups, should be washed in the Belfast sink in the disabled toilet. 

Please leave all equipment and surfaces in a clean condition and observe the following points:

(a) If you have used the crockery and cutlery in the kitchen cupboards, please replace them clean in their original locations; standard-sized wine glasses and tumblers are in one of the kitchen cupboards; larger glasses and tablecloths for use in the Hall are stored in the Meeting Room in the first cupboard to the left on entering the room, and these also should be replaced clean after use;

(b) Please bring and use your own towels and tea towels, as the ones in the kitchen may be required by church organisations the following day;

(c) Please take home any empty milk bottles. (Please see section 30 concerning rubbish disposal)

(d) Any food you leave in the kitchen or fridge will be discarded.

(e) If the ovens have been used, they should be checked and left clean. If you cannot clean them, you must please inform the Booking Secretary who will engage a professional cleaner at your cost.

24. Toilets (Ladies, Gents and Accessible WC): You are responsible for checking the toilets for cleanliness and switching off any lights before locking the premises.

The light switches are situated outside the rooms. The extractor fans should come on when a sensor detects someone entering the rooms and should run for a set period before automatically switching off.  The accessible toilet facility is a multifunction room. Apart from the obvious purpose, it is used for flower arranging and the storage of associated equipment. A baby changing mat is kept hung on the wall for use by those who may need it. The work surface in this room has not been designed for use as a nappy-changing area and we therefore suggest that the mat is placed on the floor before use.

Please do not leave soiled nappies on the premises; take them home.

25. Chairs.  After use, please stack them in rows of 10 chairs at the back of the hall on the carpet strip provided. This helps to prevent the stack collapsing. Chairs may also be stored in the cloakroom. Please be aware of the need to avoid ‘little fingers’ being trapped in the folding mechanism.

26. Tables.  Collapsible tables are stored in the room to the left of the door to the corridor leading to the toilets.

27. Walls.  Please do not use Blu tack, Sellotape or pins or anything else to stick notices or decorations onto the walls. 

28. Music Equipment.  Because we have a responsibility to minimise inconvenience to our neighbours, please do not bring any sound or electrical equipment onto the premises without prior arrangement. 

29. Sound and Video System & WiFi.   If you wish to use this system, please request this on your booking form; we will then arrange to provide appropriate guidance/training.   A microphone and amplifier for talks may be booked via the Booking Co-ordinator; you will be responsible for its proper use and safe return. The hearing loop and loud speakers are independent of the church sound system. The loop and speakers are controlled from an amplifier which is situated in the table store to the right, above head height. For the whole system to work, turn the amplifier on at the wall socket below the shelf. The microphone is kept in a box on the shelf. The sockets for connections to the projector and amplifier are just above the wooden ‘dado’ rail and to the right of the door to the back corridor. The speaker volume can be adjusted on the amplifier itself. Please do not adjust the other controls. The hearing loop is automatically on when the system is in use. Please remember to turn it all off at the wall socket below the shelf before leaving. WiFi is available in the hall. The access password can be provided by the Booking Coordinator.

30. Meeting Room.  The Meeting Room may only be used if it has been specifically booked before the event. The cupboards in this room are used by various church organisations. At the end of your event, please leave the chairs neatly arranged around the edge of the room, (but not in front of the cupboard doors). As this room is carpeted it is unsuitable for service of food.

31. Heating Controls.  Apart from the summer season, the Hall heating will normally be set in accordance with your advance booking times and the expected weather.

The heating controls are set weekly in accordance with bookings made and should not be adjusted or interfered with. The radiators in the corridor and toilets come on when the hall or meeting room heating is on.

Any problems should be reported to the Booking Coordinator or Churchwarden; phone for advice if necessary.

32. Back Door. Once unlocked, it can be ‘put on the latch’ to prevent it from locking the user out (when going to the waste bins, for example). For security reasons we suggest users do not leave the lock in this condition any longer than necessary. Please make sure both locks are set when you leave.

Disposal of Rubbish

33. As the council will only supply us with two black (non-recyclable) and two green bins (for recycling) by the back door, which are only emptied every 2 weeks, please limit the amount of rubbish you leave, at most a single bag, taking any remaining rubbish away with you.

We have general waste bins inside the hall as well as dry mixed recycling bins; please use as appropriate to collect rubbish during your event.

At the end of your booking, please place all waste food and non-recyclable rubbish in tied plastic bags. Flatten any cardboard boxes and make your waste as compact as possible. To avoid us having our bins left uncollected due to mixed contents, please ensure that you separate your rubbish correctly in accordance with council regulations.

Charges for use of Premises

Hirers will be informed of the relevant hall hire charges prior to their booking and payment for all bookings must be made within 14 days of invoice.  Hall charges will be reviewed on an annual basis, including for regular bookings.

We reserve the right to request a deposit prior to any booking, which would be offset against any damages. We also reserve the right to make an additional charge if the hall or any of the equipment has not been left clean and in good order. Any breakages must please be reported to the Booking Co-ordinator. We must emphasise that St Giles does not employ a caretaker, although we may arrange for a part-time acting caretaker to assist with locking up, etc.

Safeguarding Children, Young People and Adults at Risk

The Parochial Church Council of St Giles Parish Church has a Policy for Safeguarding Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults which is contained in pp18-24 the ‘Promoting a Safer Church’. The ‘Parish Safeguarding Handbook’ gives good practice guidance. You are also required to ensure that children, young people and vulnerable adults are protected at all times, by taking all reasonable steps to prevent injury, illness, loss or damage occurring; and that you carry full liability insurance for this. 

In particular, this means that:

  • you will provide the church with a copy of your organisation’s Safeguarding Policy/ies, or if you do not have one, you will adopt our policy and comply with the guidance given in the ‘Parish Safeguarding Handbook’.
  • you will recruit safely all current paid and voluntary workers who work with children and/or vulnerable adults, by obtaining satisfactory disclosures from the Disclosure and Barring Service where eligible, and keeping records of dates and disclosure numbers indefinitely;
  • you will keep a list of the names of all paid and voluntary workers with regular and direct contact with children/vulnerable adults, and update it annually;
  • you will always have at least two leaders over the age of 18 years in any group of children and young people, no matter how small the group;
  • no person under the age of 18 years will be left in charge of any children or young people of any age;
  • no child or group of children or young people should be left unattended at any time;
  • a register of children, young people or vulnerable adults attending the activity will be kept securely. This will include details of their name, contact details of parent/guardian/carer etc., date of birth and next of kin; 
You will immediately (within 24 hours) inform the Parish Safeguarding Officer of:
(a) the occurrence of any incidents or allegations of abuse or causes of concern relating to members or leaders of your organisation, and contact details for the person in your organisation who is dealing with it.
(b) any known offenders against children or vulnerable adults seeking to join your membership, and manage such allegations or agreements with offenders in co-operation with statutory agencies, and with the church.
The Parish Safeguarding Officer for St Giles Church is: Mary Marshall | 07732862984


  • I agree to abide by appropriate safeguarding procedures.
  • I agree to abide by all hall booking conditions, including any special hiring conditions that may supersede some clauses outlined herein (such as Covid-19 guidelines).
  • I agree to pay the amount agreed with the hall manager to secure my booking.
  • I understand that my booking agreement may be terminated in the event of my failing to comply with these procedures.


Please return to the booking form and complete the declaration.